Jessica and team are at Tulane University hosting a series of workshops, strategy sessions, space planning and behavior design projects to help bring Tulane's already amazing culture to continuously pair the future of life and work for its students.
For speaking engagements, interviews and other inquiries please contact her publicist, Kat Fleischman, at
Jessica and team are at Tulane University hosting a series of workshops, strategy sessions, space planning and behavior design projects to help bring Tulane's already amazing culture to continuously pair the future of life and work for its students.
Jessica Higgins is proud and grateful to be the featured guest author in today.
Read her article HERE that is excerpted for you below.
Choosing to develop character is difficult, because it requires avoiding the shorter, more direct path. It can be slow, expensive and difficult work.
Jessica Higgins will be among the speakers at Pink Petro Energy in the Age of Inclusion Event on May 1, 2018 at Queensbury Theater in Houston, TX.
Jessica will appear on a television show with Marcum Search in May of this year as a workplace expert on the relationship between hiring, recruiting and corporate culture.
Happy Equal Pay Day!
It’s 2018, let’s get equal.