Recently, I heard that colleague, Cameron Herold, mentioned me from the stage of his talk as an example of someone who never shuts off. A bad example.
For speaking engagements, interviews and other inquiries please contact her publicist, Kat Fleischman, at
Recently, I heard that colleague, Cameron Herold, mentioned me from the stage of his talk as an example of someone who never shuts off. A bad example.
Jessica was published in HR Technologist yesterday on how to politely disrupt workforce cultural norms. Read her publication HERE.
There is a growing intrapreneur movement, and for those folks, there is a wonderful conference that shares pulls together leading authorities in the movement. Our COO, Jessica Higgins spoke at the last conference in Toronto.
Watch Jessica's panel discussion at Pink Petro on Tuesday, May 1 from 1pm to 5pm CDT by signing up for a free virtual ticket to the live stream HERE.
Where I see this all (crypto, blockchain, etc.) converging is at that inflection point by which your wife, your kids and your friends start feeling comfortable. Like, when the internet stopped being some wacky coding sphere and started being utilized by the masses without a second thought.
Jessica Higgins and team are back at Tulane University this week, hosting a series of workshops, strategy sessions, and behavior design facilitations to help create a seamless solution for Tulane's academic advising, success coaching and career education services.