Jessica Higgins, JD MBA is a highly credentialed and experienced business growth consultant. She gets involved in unique opportunities at the crossroads of finance, technology, and marketing to create innovative growth. She holds investment and advisory positions in a portfolio of companies and is a published author who writes about her business and personal passions. Her first book, The 10 Essential Business Communications Skills, released at #1 on Amazon New Releases for Communication and Behavior Skills. She has given keynote speeches on topics ranging from culture to emergent technologies. in addition to her graduate degrees in law and business, and her undergraduate degrees in behavioral psychology and political science, She Holds certifications in operations management, operations design and behavioral design. she lives in Miami, FL, San Diego, CA and Washington, DC.

For speaking engagements, interviews and other inquiries please contact her publicist, Kat Fleischman, at 

Favorite Tech Hacks

Favorite Tech Hacks

Jessica needs you help:

Reporters and clients keep asking for my favorite technologies and apps. I really need your help with this. Please send me your favorite app, tech product, or tech service to my personal email at Tell me how you use it, and why you love it.

I will credit your name in my next interview if I love it too. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Badass Female Entrepreneurs

Badass Female Entrepreneurs

New Release! LinkedIn, Brian Solis & Gapingvoid give you the tools you need to disrupt marketing

New Release! LinkedIn, Brian Solis & Gapingvoid give you the tools you need to disrupt marketing